From the book "Modern Art
of Attack" (Ken Smith and John Hall, Chess Digest, 1988), I
chose the following theme of study: attack on the kingside castled
position. In this excellent book, the authors say: In practice, the
king is more likely to be punished on the king's flank than anywhere
else. The technique to attack the king's position in fianchetto is
well defined: pawns on f7 (f2), g6 (g3) and h7 (h2), and pieces Nf6
(Nf3), Rf8 (Rf1) and a king in g8. This formation is considered to
have potential weak points in f6 and h6 (or f3 and h3), as well as to
play h4 (h5). The main objective should be to cause weaknesses in the
structure. The queen lined up front with the king's bishop on the
diagonal b1-h7 is used, of course, with the black attack this would
be b8-h2 diagonal. Since Nf6 is a solid defender of h7 it must be
eliminated, for example by playing Bg5 or some other piece like a
Ng4. The g4-g5, "bayonet attack” is also used. Another
possibility is to move a pawn from e4 to e5 to force the knight to
leave the h7 defense. With a pawn on h6, a sacrifice in g6 can get
two pawns in exchange for one piece and more lines open for attack.
The other common battery is the queen in front of the queen's bishop
on a1-h8 diagonal, to force a pawn f7-f6 movement.
The method of massive advance
of the pawns is habitual. The three pawns of the attacker (f, g and
h) are used to sweep any defensive piece, while preparing to open
lines of attack, through forced exchanges of pawns. In this way, an
innocent pawn movement (h3 or h6), is punished in the spectacular
style of the great Mikhail Tal by a series of motifs of combination.
Let's see one of his games. The comments of the authors of the book
are in quotation marks: Bukhuti
Gurgenidze – Mikhail
Tal. USSR Championship, 1957. Benoni Defense.
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Mikhail Tal |
1.d4 Nf6
2.c4 c5 "A
very sharp opening" 3.d5
e6 4.Nc3
exd5 5.cxd5 "Interesting
is 5.Nxd5 !? to maintain access to the backward d-pawn via d5"
possible is the super sharp 6. e4 g6 7. f4 Bg7 8. Bb5+ Nfd7"
7.e4 Bg7
0–0 9.0–0 Re8
10.d2 Na6
to advance de e-pawn later. However 11. Re1 weakens the defense of
the f2 square as well as the g1–h7 diagonal leading to the king"
12.a4 b6 13.Qc2
prelude to a combinational attack of great ingenuity" 14.h3
weakening of White's Kingside front in conjuction with the weakening
of f2 and the g1–h7 diagonal give Tal the opportunity for an attack
whose initial phase is the destructive sacrifice is to remove the
protective pawn cover of the King, thus allowing reserve attacking
pieces to rush onto the open lines and squares no longer guarded by
pawns. In view of these considerations, White should have played 14.
Bxg4 eliminating the dangerous Knigth"
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What would you play? |
it is apparent that the e1–h4 is also weak" 16.Kf1
16. g3 Bd4+ 17. Kf3 Qh5+ 18. g4 (18. Kg2 Qxh3+ 19. Kf3 Bg4+ 20. Kf4
g5+ 21 Kxg5 Ae3+ 22. Kf6 Qh6++) 18... Qxh3+ 19. Kf4 Be3++"
only defense. But now a further demolition occurs"
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Now you play! |
same theme, a pawn goes with consequent increased attacking
potential. In this case the destructive sacrifice can not be accepted
since 18. gxh3 Bxh3 is mate" 18.Bf3
his pawn protection largely destroyed, White is helpless to prevent
the invasion of Black's reserves" 19.Ne3
19. Nf2 Black wins with 19... Ba6+ 20. Be2 (20. Nc4 Nxd5 21. exd5
Rxe1+ 22. Kxe1 Qg1+ wins easily) 20... Qh4 21. Nh3 Bc8! 22. Nf3 Qxh3!
23. Nxd4 Qh1+ 24. Kf2 Qh4+" 19...f5!
opens up more lines, typical motif in this type of attack"
fxe4 21.Bxe4
bringing more pressure to bear" 23.Ra3
24. Rd3 Black has 24... Nxd5 25. Rxd4 cxd4 26. Bxd5+ Rxd5 27. Nxd5
Qh1+ 28. Kf2 Qxe1+ 29. Kf3 Rf8+ 30. Bf4 Qf1+ 31. Kg3 Bxc4"
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How would the attack continue? |
advantage of the pin on the e-file" 25.Bxd5+
26. Nxd5 Qh1 is mate" 26...Bxe3
27. Bxh3 then 27... Qxg2 mate" 27...Bxc4+
on 28. Dxc4 Qxg2+ followed by 29... Qxd2 mate. White resigns".
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